JSON block representation when returned by L2Geth nodes. Just a normal block but with L2Transaction objects instead of the standard transaction response object.

interface L2BlockWithTransactions {
    _difficulty: BigNumber;
    baseFeePerGas?: BigNumber;
    difficulty: number;
    extraData: string;
    gasLimit: BigNumber;
    gasUsed: BigNumber;
    hash: string;
    miner: string;
    nonce: string;
    number: number;
    parentHash: string;
    stateRoot: string;
    timestamp: number;
    transactions: [L2Transaction];


  • BlockWithTransactions
    • L2BlockWithTransactions


_difficulty: BigNumber
baseFeePerGas?: BigNumber
difficulty: number
extraData: string
gasLimit: BigNumber
gasUsed: BigNumber
hash: string
miner: string
nonce: string
number: number
parentHash: string
stateRoot: string
timestamp: number
transactions: [L2Transaction]

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